
medi³ GmbH > Neuigkeiten
14 Juni
Tipp jetzt und gewinne mit deiner Mannschaft!
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
12 Juni
Reha- und Funktionssportpause
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
15 Mai
Angebot 15 Jähriges Jubiläum
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
15 Mai
Wir feiern 15 Jahre medi³-Alfeld
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
06 Mai
Gesundheitstag in der Firma Weisig Maschienenbau GmbH – WEIRO
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
06 Mai
Wir bekommen alle auf die Knie!
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
03 Apr.
Es sind noch freie Plätze im Yoga-Präventionskurs
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
25 März
Frohe Ostern
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
13 März
NEUE Präventionskurse ab dem 04.04.2024
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects