08 Feb
Zusätzlicher Kurs ab dem 19.02.2024
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
07 Feb
Rosenmontag im medi³
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
28 Dez
Neujahrsaktion ,,Mach mal keinen Stress“
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
21 Dez
Willkommen Olaf
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
22 Nov
Black Friday
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
06 Okt
medi³ GmbH Burgfreiheit 4 31061 Alfeld (Leine)
O`zapft is! im medi³ Alfeld
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
14 Sep
Letzte freie Plätze für die Präventionskurse am 21.09.2023!!!
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
02 Aug
Atmen – Bewegen – Entspannen mit Barbara
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
01 Aug
NEU ab Herbst- Walking und Easy Running
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects
01 Aug
Milon Krafttraining Gesundheit fb
Category: alle
Established in 2005, the group has grown to over 30 people and has completed 900 projects